Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Its 5:30 in the morning, I JUST DON'T CARE....

I did not own a cell phone until April of 2007. Prior to that, my company provided me with one that they also paid for. This is the very best way to have a cell phone. When I left that job, and no longer had a phone, I went down to the Sprint Store, spoke with Herbie the sales guy, and begged him to set me up with something, wherein I would have a phone I could carry around in my pocket, and his company would send me a bill every month. We mutually transacted, and that's pretty much what has been going on for the last 11 months or so.
It hasn't been completely as we agreed to though. This morning, at around 5:30 or so, I received a Text Message on my phone from some kind of Porn site. They wanted to wake me up, to point out that apparently, if I go to a certain website I can see a " seexy teen give hand job" That is their spelling of the word Sexy. I was gonna text back and point out that they have one to many "e"s ' in the word sexy but then it got me thinking, and I got distracted. Since I have owned this phone I have randomly received the occasional tip, via text message, regarding various porn things I can go and see. I did not sign up for this service, so I thought, Maybe I should call Herbie and see what he says. It could be he gets some kind of extra commission or something and he just included it, and as I have unlimited text messaging it doesn't cost me extra or anything? He saw me as a guy who likes naked women as much as the next fellow, so he just gave my number to whatever this porn site is, and every time I get a text, Herbie the salesman gets 12 cents or something. That would make me feel ok about it. Maybe he could even talk with them and ask them not to send the messages at 5:30 in the morning out of respect for me?
Back when I had that really cool cell phone that I didn't have to personally pay for, I NEVER received tips on where I could see a "SEEXY TEEN GIVE HAND JOB" - In the big scheme of things, weighing out both options, I prefer a free cell phone to a cell phone that comes with tips on where I can go and see porn. If it meant I would no longer get text messages at 5:30 in the morning that serve to make me aware of various handjob's that are being given by SEEXY TEENS, but I wouldn't have to pay for the usage of the phone itself? I am giving up the tips.
I have never accessed the Internet at all on my cell phone, much less a porn site, so its not like I went there first or something and they are just sending me follow up. Don't get me wrong. Porn has its place, in DVD's and through my laptop and stuff, I am not ANTI porn at all. I just don't think that place is on my phone. And I know its not at 5:30 in the morning on a Tuesday. And I also know good porn doesn't have to be accompanied by poor spelling.


PhoenixHearse said...

"...good porn doesn't have to be accompanied by poor spelling."

I think you're standards and expectations for porn are a little high.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Phoenix --I am demanding that way, I was thinking of starting a fund to help poor spelling porn stars with there spelling. I wont stop until all porn stars have spellcheck, AND know how to use it.

PhoenixHearse said...

LOL, I'm still trying to figure out whether you used "there" instead of "their" on purpose.

Bill From Gainesville said...

- Phoenix, it was a complete screw up on my part, but thats Grammar, not spelling, I spelled the word correctly, I was just spelling the completely wrong word... I am all for hillbilly ass porn stars mixing up WORDS, I am just against them spelling wrong....