Sunday, March 1, 2009

Goth Bars are weird

Cannot help but wonder about this past Friday night. I went to a Goth Bar and hung out with some friends of mine. None of whom were, or are, Goth in nature, but they get a kick out of the whole scene and wanted me to come along. I talked to this one chick who I am pretty sure is a dude. I knew it while I was talking to him but could not be 100 percent sure. This guy was not one of the people I went with to the bar but he was there and I was trying to be friendly. If she was a girl she certainly was not my type of woman mostly because although kind of pretty, certainly also not a woman unless of course she was.
ME: "hey whats up, are you a dude dressed as a woman"
HER/HIM: in a manly type of voice: " fuck off"
Me: "Dude whatever, if you are a woman I am only stunned by the size of your hands and your deep voice. Can I buy you a drink and apologize if I offended you?"
HIM/She: "fuck off"
so on the 2 percent chance this was a chick then I was totally rude to her but just going with my Gut feelings on the scenerio, probably this was a dude and he was only mad at me for not sucking up and believing in the fantasy he was trying to portray.


compulsively yours...for now said...

Hi, this is your biggest fan aka stalker speaking. Whats up. Oh, am I suppose to read your post first. Right.

ok back in a jif.

compulsively yours...for now said...

Ok, I am back having read the post and I am
a) going to vomit
b)shocked yet pleased you asked it was it was
c)waiting for a story about you cleaning your cheese grater.
d)going to bed

Anonymous said...

You in a Goth bar. The very thought of that is hysterical. I'll pay the cover charge to go to one with you just to hear your general comments on all those sitting around you.

Native Minnow said...

You took her/him home, didn't you?

Bill From Gainesville said...

CYFN -- again thanks for stalking me Its an honor .
Denis --- thats an idea for sure, just that I am so sensitive and I dont really want women to just use me for my penis... or at least I dont want Goth chicks to use me...
NTF -- we should totally go---- its kind of a trip Two weekends from now the SEC tournament is in my fine city
Minnow. No interest in going home with him/ her/ plus you must have missed the whole part where she/ he told me to fuck off

compulsively yours...for now said...

Bill I wont use you.

Thats a lie.

I will however make it worth it.

Native Minnow said...

Just because someone told you to fuck off doesn't mean you can't go home with them. After all, it could have led to a night of angry sex. I'm just sayin'.

compulsively yours...for now said...

minnow da pimp dat how he no

Anonymous said...

Dude would totally love to do the tourney with you.

Stay away from the taking him/her types home, leads to very expensive therapy to get over it.

PhoenixHearse said...

Wow, you have horrible game.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Phoenix --- You have gone to the core of my issues -- you are so perceptive