Tuesday, March 17, 2009

PETS are NOT allowed, OR are they?

I think this is a double negative. I believe if they just had the word "Pets" and then the circle thingy over that with a line through it, then that would mean "No Pets" In this case however the sign says "No Pets allowed" and then they have the circle thingy with the line through it which I do believe makes it a double negative. This is actually an invitation to bring pets.

I dont think a mascot is a pet, but it is a Gator and I am sure some crazy drug lord has a pet Gator, and Auburn treated us like a Dog in slashing the big dance dreams of the Gator Nation.

Is it me or is that an official Arena employee giving Albert the business about No pets being allowed?
Also this has nothing to do with anything about pets, and whether they are allowed or not allowed, but this field of ICE was here in the same spot that the wood plank floor was at later. Its a Multidimensional arena and I hear that if the ARENA football league makes a comeback that the STORM also play here.
This is a picture of Billy Donovan at work. Standing on the Plank Floor that used to be ICE, wishing he would have taken the Magic Job....


compulsively yours...for now said...

i love that you can appreciate that sign.

now who is this billy donovan character and is his soul available for me to possess?

Brianinmpls said...

That sign is classic.

And I would totally plunck down 99 bucks for a raffle ticket.

Bill From Gainesville said...

CYFN -- Thanks --- and Billy Donovan is the boy wonder Basketball coach at Florida he of the TWO National Championships Back to Back-- and I believe his soul has been sucked out already
Brian. It is classic and 99 bucks for a Ferrari is just solid value