Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hockey and free beer = LIVING

As the nights go, this was an excellent one. I went to a Bolts game. Sat on the second row and when dudes would get checked into the glass, I was counting teeth. The tickets came with free Beer, and free food. I texted my kids that I intended to take them to an NHL game. Bottom line, it is a fast game with plexiglass barriers, and it was quite awesome. I would write more, but honestly, I could break it all down this way: Hockey on T.V. = kind of sucks. Hockey right next to you on the glass? Awesome!!! Beer Excellent = Free Beer even more so.


compulsively yours...for now said...

I love free beer. YUMMMY!!

Bill From Gainesville said...

Its the second best beer there is, The one at 5:30 on a Friday is awful special though regardless of who pays for it...