Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Checking out the neighborhood

I went out on the town for the first time since I moved here to Tampa. I had my kids with me for the first 7 days and they just dont bar hop yet, and then when they left on Sunday, I just didnt go out on Monday and Tuesday, as they are kind of dead nights, but tonight, I found a few bars in the area and had a few drinks. The first bar I went to was called Cork. It is basically a wine bar but they also have beer. Evidently some kind of club was meeting their tonight, so from what I could tell it was like a made for T.V. movie in the sense that you go to this bar and tons of good looking women are hanging out and they were basically all kinds of friendly. Anyways, I talked to a few people and then I went over to the "Dubliner." That place had some awesome pizza, so being the kind of guy who loves some Pizza, I ate some. Then I went to Mac Dintons and had a few beers and then came home. I caught a golf Cart ride, although I could have just walked. Either way , that golf cart service works well for me.
It was like I was a kid waiting to jump into the water but instead just dipped my toes .. I think this neighborhood will work well for me.


quin browne said...

good on the getting comfortable... and, i want a golf cart.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Its crazy, its a little taxi service for the neighborhood -- they dont charge anything, but really encourage tips as that is what the drivers earn. They are subsidized by the bars and advertising on the carts ...