Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Coming to America

When you read the rags to riches stories, It usually starts off like this: A guy comes to America. He usually only has twenty bucks in his pocket. I think that is some kind of a Karmic law that they always, only have twenty bucks in their pocket.
Then they make something of themselves. and after they are successful, when they tell their story, they start it off with this line: "I arrived in America with TWENTY BUCKS in my pocket and the shirt on my back..." They usually say that shit with some kind of an accent.
Before reading these next few sentences, try to imagine my accent. It has some southern twang to it sure, but it has a northerners pace, and a midwesterners drawal. I was born in America, and was more successful in life then most Americans are. Its a fact that you can look up statistically. I would give you the statistics I am talking about, except that I feel like you reading my blog is good enough, and that we have a relationship. You should just trust me on this. See, I am working on building trust back up in relationships as we speak, or you know, blog. Whatever.
I can also back that statement up anecdotaly. I have achieved some things, I was going places, I had some ability, a small amount of common sense as well. I also have a College Education (Thanks Dad) A pretty nice work ethic to go along with it. That Work Ethic was basically developed by Coach Castro, Coach Ward and Coach Wicke (My main High School Football Coaches) and even Coach Russel (My High School Baseball Coach, who I have a bit of a colorful history) but here I am at 42 years old, and my net worth is about $20 bucks. Seriously, there is tons of Math involved, and any accountant could say: what about this? Any lawyer that I hired to argue my point would counter the accountant, and he would say: "Yes BUT"....Arguments could be made in all sorts of ways. Here is the bottom line though: In my opinion, the way I figure it, Right now,.... I would say I am worth about TWENTY BUCKS.
So I am hoping that this is it, this is when I come to America, metaphorically speaking. This is when I build it, then they come, just like freaking Kevin Costner says. July 2nd 2008, The Billster is worth $20 bucks. I am figuring it is Karmic.
I am supposed to drive on up to Gainesville so I can see my kids for the weekend this week, The old 332 to the 352 (thanks for that line Michelalicious) but right now as of today, I am worth Twenty Bucks. I can promise you, even with twenty bucks, you are not going to be able to drive to Gainesville, stay in a hotel for a few days, eat normal meals, and drive back to Miami on Twenty bucks.
Their are ways around this, The United States Postal Service is supposed to help. Tomorrow there should be a check in my mailbox that allows for the trip. Its kind of a catch twenty two, however. I have to somehow hope it is on time and in the box, then I have to figure out a way to get it into my bank, all while I am out working, more then likely tomorrow, in WEST FREAKING PALM BEACH. I need to help that paper that is the check, do its butterfly shit and metamorphis into money in my bank account. Lets dont forget Friday is a Holiday and banks are closed. Good thing Rent isn't technically due till Saturday July 5th. No worries though, That Judge thinks so very highly of me.
Anyhow, that is my epiphany for tonight. I am like an immigrant coming to America, I have to put my time in until I get my ass back on top. Glad to have you guys reading my blog to help ..... Thanks


Native Minnow said...

If it helps you feel any better, I'm broke right now too, and won't be seeing my kids this weekend because of it.

Anonymous said...

Well you have to let us know how this goes. Either way, I hope you have a wonderful 4th!

Bill From Gainesville said...

Minnow -- I think the next few months are going to be filled with emptiness...
Ldy Gator -- on my way up to GNV

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWW!!! Good for you!!!

PhoenixHearse said...

I have felt your pain of divorced brokedness before. It took me about 6 months to pull myself out of some hefty credit card debt when I moved out.

Between the rent deposits, moving truck, utility set-up fees, and you know, the furniture I had to buy, I couldn't see straight.

Any chance you could sell your body on the street corner?

Bill From Gainesville said...

Phoenix-- my brokedness is pretty bad, and I could probably get some money from the street corner but unfortunately women dont really purchase it that way, and the men that would... ICKY .....Id rather be broke... (not that there is anything wrong with that) just saying....