Thursday, July 31, 2008
Hang on, I think I am going to get a drink rather then Kiss any of you.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tobacco Road
The oldest bar in Dade County. It has been at this location selling alcohol for over 100 years.
They also have some nice burgers. I am particularly fond of the Death Burger. It comes with Jalapenos on top and spicy cheese.
I was sitting in my convertible, stuck at the draw bridge at this exact location, so I took this picture, and then I just figured I would put it up on my blog. No particular reason, Just cause.
Also, I love that I can get on that train thing that runs through my building and get off at the 8th street station and walk about 100 yards or so and I am here. Drink as much as you want Bill you don't have to drive home.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Buy Randy Pausch's book, Watch his video on You tube, It will make you a better person.
Watched 20/20 tonight. It was about Randy Pausch. He Died this past Friday. If you don't know who he is, then you should go to You Tube and watch his "Last Lecture" It has been viewed over six million times. there are other videos. Lectures that he did after his "Last Lecture" Of course, their is also his best selling book that you can read.
Here is what he can do for you. He can lay it out there and give you insight into your own life. He can make you cry, Not in a sad way, although it is sad, but in an inspiring way. I am glad I read his book and have watched pretty much all his videos and tonight there was the 20/20 piece.
His testimony in front of congress is pretty spot on, about the situation. He was beyond bright, because he had figured out what was important and had a good blueprint for living, and then he shared it with the world. Its up to the world to listen.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Its coming....
Can you feel it? The most wonderful time of the year is on the cusp of beginning once again.
Soon the sports pages will be chalk full of football news. Saturdays and Sundays will take it to another level. Saturdays and Sundays are already the world class athletes of the week, but soon they will be down to their playing weight, all cut up, lean, and just showing off their skills at being the best two days out of the seven. Monday will also step up, and although still the crappiest of them all, for the next few months anyways, Monday will provide a little candy at the end of the crapfest and let the evenings have a little creme brulee.
Being on dial up, in a high speed world
This past Friday, July 25, 2008, I drove to Gainesville to see my kids. It’s something I do every third weekend since I moved to Miami. * It’s 332.9 miles from my parking space, to the parking space in front of my ex-wife’s apartment, give or take a tenth of a mile depending on how many times you pull off into the rest stops.
I go, because I want to stay in their lives. I do it for me, because I love them and hate not living with them on a day to day basis anymore. That part sucks. These weekends are like recharging a worn out cell phone battery. Instead of “triple A’s” or “C” or “D” These batteries are labeled “Me.” The week before I go, I am pretty much on less then one bar.
When I say I do it for me. I mean that. It may be selfish, but it is not just selfish on the level of me missing them and wanting to see them, no, this is selfish on multiple different layers. Its not just the happiness I derive out of seeing them, and being with them, and watching them grow up. It goes well beyond that.
It’s me being selfish in the future also. Years from now when they are grown, I want them to be a part of my life. I want them to have fond memories of me. I want them to know I am there for them, not only then, but that I always was. The money I send to their mother is just the entry point in all this. They don’t know about that, or if they do, they don’t comprehend it, but It’s why I live here, instead of there. Without Miami, I can’t afford the money I send. I love you Miami, for being so full of people. People that own homes.
Because I live here, and they live there, I only get to watch them on dial up, with a 900 baud modem. Their lives are going at high speed, and meanwhile, I get to see it in snap shots. The view I have is like when you used to pull one page up on the Internet and it took 30 minutes, only multiply that times lives being lived, versus our time on earth. Our lives may take approximately 80 or so years, but three week intervals missed, while kids become adults is way worse then having crummy dial up on such a high speed Internet that is their lives.
Still, if you only have dial up available, its better then not having the Internet at all right? No matter what you do, from now on you are only allowed dial up. Even if I figured out a way to live in Gainesville and still make the money I do down here, ultimately that would only be like upgrading from the 900 baud modem dial up, to maybe a 2400 baud modem dial up. In the end it’s still all dial up no matter what.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wisdom from a 7 year old
A conversation at dinner last night:
DAUGHTER: - Why do we get "TWO" forks?
ME: - One is for the salad and the other is for the meal.
DAUGHTER: - But I didn't order a Salad?
ME: - Still, thats what the other fork is for, It comes with all the silverware sets.
SON: - I think they give you two forks in case you drop one on the floor
Thursday, July 24, 2008
An open letter to a guy who ranks higher then Three Star General in the united States Military
Caleb Campbell, You are a Good Man. I know that from listening to your story. I know it from listening to how you reacted to the bullshit that was thrust down on you today. There is quite a bit to be said for attitude in this life, and you sir, not only have a great attitude, but you also have some seriously high character. You are clearly among the best and the brightest that this country has to offer. I admire you for the way you have dealt with this, and want you to know that the rest of this post is going to be me bitching on your behalf, as I realize you are to good of a person to do it for yourself.
For those of you who are not familiar with Calebs story, here is a brief summary: Caleb chose to become an officer in the United States Military and was given an opportunity to go to West Point to do so.
Besides doing all the crap every plebe in the academies is supposed to do, he also played football . He did it well. So well, that the National Football league believed he may have a chance to be one of the 1,693 men that get to be in the league each year, and he was drafted. The team that drafted him did not do it for altruistic reasons. They also believed he might add value to their club. At that point the military also believed he could add value in that role and had a policy that said for this type of situation, they would allow him to do so.
On draft day he was in New York. When they interviewed him, he brought down the publicity for West Point. He brought it down like the thunder that it truly was, and he brought it down with a sledge hammer in the force that it dealt. The National Football league benefited, but so did the academies, all of them. Not just West Point. He explained how he would work in recruitment during the off season as part of his orders. His mere presence implied the huge P.R. benefits he was also bestowing to both of his employers. He did it with a huge amount of humility and his character shined through.
Today he was supposed to report to the Lions training camp to begin taking advantage of his chance to make an NFL Roster. Today, what he did instead, was drive back from Detroit to West Point, because the Army changed its mind. They were like Oops, never mind, we changed that policy, so now you cannot do this anymore. He had orders and he dutifully complied.
He did that with humbleness and character as well. Dan Patrick interviewed him on his radio show. Caleb was talking on a cell phone while he conducted it, as he was driving back, and although you could tell he was disappointed. He gave the same line when he was first questioned about the situation. He said he is a lieutenant in the Army, and will do what he is told to do in that regards. Just like he was ecstatic to have been given the opportunity to play football, He was ok with the military changing their mind, and he would do whatever the U.S. Military said he should do. He truly wanted what was there for him, but he took the snatching away of it very manly like, and very admirably.
He did say it came from way up top, because he personally knew a three star General who fought for him and lost. He said it wasn't West Point. That was the Three Star General that argued on his behalf. Tell me this? If a Three Star General cannot effect the orders of a lieutenant in the very same army that he is a Three Star, then who was it that must have made this decision? a four star guy? a five star guy? The President?
Its all a bunch of bullshit. He may or may not have made that team, but he would have been way more valuable in that role trying, then the role he is being pushed into now. Know what that role is? He said he will either be a graduate assistant coach at West Point, or at the High School feeding school in New Jersey. He is going back to find out which of those positions he was chosen for. Those are his new orders, and he will do what he has to. I just think its a huge waste for the army, and a huge waste for him. I hope it gets reversed, and I hope that people that make military policy are not close minded idiots.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hello Dolly
Hello Dolly --
Again, I hate that I do well when hurricanes hit populated areas, but that is how it is. and I live in a populated area so you know, sometimes I hate em for me as well, and love em for my pocket book all at the same time. It is a sucky thing that kind of works for me, but no, not in Brownsville Texas at a level one. that causes me more aggravation thinking what if, However, Miami at a level 3, that would certainly pay.
Book Review
Read the "Life of Pi." this weekend ....It was a good read, made you think about life, faith, and beliefs. Mostly about faith. The main character believed in god so much that he considered himself a Christian, Hindu and a Muslim. The book didn't beat you over the head with religion though, like so many books about religions do. It was a fictional story that is kind of crazy but so well done you were able to buy in to it and then the end tied it all together and the whole thing makes you think.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Look for me on the T.V.
What a beautiful Gorgeous sunny summer day in Miami.
The Marlins are playing the Phillies today in a nationally televised game. Some friends of mine are going to take it all in. Look for me on the T.V. It will be on FOX. I am working on slowing down my mind right now so that I can get in the moment of each pitch, most of which will just get caught, and thrown back, but some of which will be swung at and missed, and others that will actually create about 4 minutes of excitement throughout the day. Although that will be exciting, its the cereberal-ness and the small things that make taking in a ball game such a good experience.
Don't worry football, still love you the best.
Friday, July 18, 2008
A brief and boring summary of a pathetic softball game
This is a quick post about a coed softball game in Miami Beach, Florida that probably will interest no one in the world, but its like this, its My blog and I can write about boring shit if I want to.
First of all, Bill still got to bat third even after last weeks o-fer . We lead off a girl, she makes an out, the number two hitter has a single with an error to get on second. I had a single also, but the outfielder made a mistake and tried to throw the runner out at home and I advanced to second on the play. We had our first lead of the season, one to nothing.
the next guy knocked me in and we were up two to nothing. We held that lead through their half of the inning, went one two three in the second, held them again in the bottom, and lo and behold we still had a two nothing lead after two full innings.
Then we played horrible the rest of the night and got beat 14 to 2, run ruled even. Kind of pathetic.
Then some of us had beers and told some lies and stuff, and there you go. A Friday night kind of well lived except for the losing really bad part.
Two for Two tonight as well I think that makes me 2 for 5 on the season after last weeks o-fer
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Just how strappy, and just how long?
What if I wrote a post about what happened Thursday night to the Billster?
I think that would be an awesome post, if all that happened.
A post about a post that I won't post
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thunder Chilli
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
This guys pretty good
Been having a hard time thinking, or writing so I am just "you tube boy", its a phase, like when I used to have acne..
Monday, July 14, 2008
Keep drinking till your happy
Thanks for the link Rick, I always appreciate it:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A recruitment letter to those that left comments on the last post.
To all of those that are interested in playing softball at Flamingo Park on Friday nights. the E-mail address to send your request to is: He runs the league. I think it costs 55 dollars to play. If you are Good or a Girl, please request to play for LAST KID PICKED. I have no idea how it all works, and maybe he assigns you to some other team, which, if you arent any good thats ok. Not that we are. Any good I mean, but we are looking to upgrade and have a team that not only is good, but that also likes to hang out and drink beers with us at the Quarterdeck bar. Also, we need women. --- Sure we all need women, but I mean women that want to play softball.
South Florida Style Softball
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A fun night of watching Old Gator Games.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Bat Girl goes Spiderman
Look at this thirty nine second video for an awesome display of "ball girling"....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Dara Torres kicks her way to her 5th Olympics
Wow, Dara Torres Rocks!
Dara Torres and her daughter Tessa
She is a Florida Gator that has done well for herself. After she won the qualifying race to make her fifth Olympics they blew out the song "American Woman" on the loud speakers. She will probably carry our flag into the opening ceremony, and if she does, I am going to need you to pretend like I wasnt just guessing, but that I was actually breaking the news to you. Like I am Ed Sullivan inviting Dara Torres onto my television show to play her music, or you know, the beatles or Elvis, except its the beautiful 41 year old Dara Torres, and I dont think she sings, but she does kind of glide on water.
As someone reading my blog, you are free to act like you were in on the news about her carrying the American Flag into the Opening Ceremony. When it is announced in the mainstream media, you can tell anyone you know how you heard it here first. It's cool being "in the know" isn't it?
Also O-Bama will choose Hillary as his running mate.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
"To be born is to be lucky. Later, life may prove a failure or success...but that life is there should be a matter of congratulation, daily renewed."
--- Kylie Tennant
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Coming to America
When you read the rags to riches stories, It usually starts off like this: A guy comes to America. He usually only has twenty bucks in his pocket. I think that is some kind of a Karmic law that they always, only have twenty bucks in their pocket.
Then they make something of themselves. and after they are successful, when they tell their story, they start it off with this line: "I arrived in America with TWENTY BUCKS in my pocket and the shirt on my back..." They usually say that shit with some kind of an accent.
Before reading these next few sentences, try to imagine my accent. It has some southern twang to it sure, but it has a northerners pace, and a midwesterners drawal. I was born in America, and was more successful in life then most Americans are. Its a fact that you can look up statistically. I would give you the statistics I am talking about, except that I feel like you reading my blog is good enough, and that we have a relationship. You should just trust me on this. See, I am working on building trust back up in relationships as we speak, or you know, blog. Whatever.
I can also back that statement up anecdotaly. I have achieved some things, I was going places, I had some ability, a small amount of common sense as well. I also have a College Education (Thanks Dad) A pretty nice work ethic to go along with it. That Work Ethic was basically developed by Coach Castro, Coach Ward and Coach Wicke (My main High School Football Coaches) and even Coach Russel (My High School Baseball Coach, who I have a bit of a colorful history) but here I am at 42 years old, and my net worth is about $20 bucks. Seriously, there is tons of Math involved, and any accountant could say: what about this? Any lawyer that I hired to argue my point would counter the accountant, and he would say: "Yes BUT"....Arguments could be made in all sorts of ways. Here is the bottom line though: In my opinion, the way I figure it, Right now,.... I would say I am worth about TWENTY BUCKS.
So I am hoping that this is it, this is when I come to America, metaphorically speaking. This is when I build it, then they come, just like freaking Kevin Costner says. July 2nd 2008, The Billster is worth $20 bucks. I am figuring it is Karmic.
I am supposed to drive on up to Gainesville so I can see my kids for the weekend this week, The old 332 to the 352 (thanks for that line Michelalicious) but right now as of today, I am worth Twenty Bucks. I can promise you, even with twenty bucks, you are not going to be able to drive to Gainesville, stay in a hotel for a few days, eat normal meals, and drive back to Miami on Twenty bucks.
Their are ways around this, The United States Postal Service is supposed to help. Tomorrow there should be a check in my mailbox that allows for the trip. Its kind of a catch twenty two, however. I have to somehow hope it is on time and in the box, then I have to figure out a way to get it into my bank, all while I am out working, more then likely tomorrow, in WEST FREAKING PALM BEACH. I need to help that paper that is the check, do its butterfly shit and metamorphis into money in my bank account. Lets dont forget Friday is a Holiday and banks are closed. Good thing Rent isn't technically due till Saturday July 5th. No worries though, That Judge thinks so very highly of me.
Anyhow, that is my epiphany for tonight. I am like an immigrant coming to America, I have to put my time in until I get my ass back on top. Glad to have you guys reading my blog to help ..... Thanks
A girl named Une Suk Li, but you can call her Natasha
This is a long video. It is 25 minutes. I promise you it will move you if you take the time to invest those twenty five minutes:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The story behind the story
I was minding my own business today, driving my car around South Florida, trying to earn a buck, listening to sports talk, when celebrity gossip got front and center on my car radio. That's right, Pam Anderson and Sports talk, Mixed in together:
Briefly, here is the story. Pam Anderson was on some talk radio show in Australia, and evidently she called Jessica Simpson a "Bitch" and a "whore" because Jessica wore a shirt that said: Real Girls Eat Meat:
Pam Anderson is one of those PETA People, so I guess it offended her.
Well, there is more to it then just that. ( side note: I feel kind of like Melanie Griffith right now in that movie working girl where she took two companies, and saw the synergies, and voila they had a merger except I am not going to be falling in love with Harrison Ford or anything) Well, anyways, here is where Celebrity Gossip and my love for all things NFL converge, and I give you insight into all this silliness.
You may or may not be aware that Jessica Simpson is currently Dating Tony Romo, the Quarterback for The Dallas Cowboys, and also, two years ago, He was on The Happy Surprise franchise in the Tickle Me Elmo Fantasy Football League, a franchise owned by this Very blogger.
Before Romo and Simpson began dating, Romo was involved with Carrie Underwood
Twice, Carrie Underwood has been named the sexiest female Vegetarian alive by P.E.T.A., She says she quit eating meat when she was 13 years old.
So there you have it. Jessica Simpson was just messing around with Carrie Underwood a little about her non beef eating ways, because Carrie used to date Jessica's Boyfriend. Pam took offense, and the cat fight between Jessica and Carrie got detoured into the vacuum created by the cat fight between Pam Anderson and Jessica Simpson. Either way it breaks down with the PETA people against Jessica and that is the rest of the story.