Monday, July 5, 2010

David Price Bobblehead This Sunday

This Friday, I will have my kids for a couple of weeks. I was thinking of taking them to the Rays Indians game this Sunday. The first 10 thousand kids under 14 years old, get a David Price Bobblehead. Would love to have a David Price Bobblehead myself, but am pretty sure I am not going to be able to pass my self off as a 14 year old. Called my daughter to see if she was really into getting a David Price bobblehead and Yes, She is, It goes without saying my son wants his Bobblehead.
Neither of them follow it enough to know who David Price is, but they do know about Longoria because of the action figure they gave out last year. Now they will know who David Price is. Soon they will know the whole team. Its really just good parenting to get them involved at a young age in the Local team, except with the rays you have to be worried that some time in the future they are going to pull a Los Angelas Rams, or a Baltimore Colts and jet off to some other City. I know I couldn't stand it if they did and it would be extra cruel if I got my kids involved with caring about how the Rays do, and they pull that crap. (Totally on board if they move over here to Hillsborough County though.

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