Friday, February 5, 2010

My take on SuperBowl 44

If the Colts were to be represented by an imaginary person they would be the guy who was born into a very well to do family. The type of family that has three homes, The main home and then a winter home in Aspen Colorado and another home in Naples Florida. Our imaginary person would be named something like William, or Peyton or something regal like that.
He would have excelled in academics , first at a boarding school, and then Harvard. He would have played Lacrosse and Polo. As our imaginary person grew up, you would never see any cracks in the image. The kind of guy who never got into any trouble. He may occasionally have a beer but only the fancy types that cost as much as a six pack of Budweiser and then only one, maybe two if it was truly a special occasion.
All the advantages in the world are given to the guy because of his station in life but he remained humble. He used the advantages given to him to make something of himself and did it while still showing respect to others. He is now a top CEO of one of the top ten Fortune 500 companies. He started in that company at a director level.
If the Saints were represented by an Imaginary person They would also be a top CEO of a top ten Fortune 500 company.
There would be differences though. He was born into a working class family. He went to public schools and did okay but not great. He would have had a bit of a wild side and had a few scuffles with the law during his teen years. Nothing real out of hand. That one time he got busted for trying to shoplift a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. A little trouble with speeding tickets. He went to a state college supporting himself as a bouncer at a strip club. He struggled through most of his twenties.
Through sheer charisma and Chutspa he worked his way up the corporation, sometimes taking a few outlandish risks that would either sink his career or propel it upward depending on how it played out. Because of his humble beginnings and long road to the top he is flamboyant now, eschewing the middle aged man luxury car for a Shelby Mustang.
Both of our imaginary people are at the top of their game now. The Fortune 500 companies they run are in the same industry. lets say that industry is advertising. This Sunday they are both pitching a HUGE account that will bring Billions to the firm and truly set the bar to pass even Exxon and become the number 1 earning Fortune 500 company.
Our imaginary person that represents the Colts though, has an edge. He grew up with the third imaginary CEO of the company that will be making the decision on who gets the account. A bit of the Old Boys Club network.

1 comment:

NTF said...

Well done. Much respect to Peyton and love for his father but in the end....WHO DAT?