Monday, February 9, 2009

A remembering post or two

I was just looking through some old blog posts, and found a piece that I wrote very shortly after getting my divorce. (Coagulation) It was all about how I believed I had lost my funny due to the mess of getting divorced, but the thing is, reading it tonight, I thought it wasn't a bad post at all. It might not have been funny, but it was okay, and thinking back on those early days it really wasn't that bad a piece of writing at all, it had some rhythm to it and it flowed pretty well.
Then I read the post I wrote on the day I got divorced, or at least, the day I found out I was divorced. It is kind of an angry post, but it didn't suck, and now after reading it from the perspective of seven months later, it kind of makes me laugh. Not in a Ha Ha way, but in a "look at your thought process at that time you dickhead" So I put that one up in my favorites also.


cher said...

Just jumped over from Brian's blog.
I read your post about the day you found out you were divorced. My heart went out for you. Pain is pain no matter who is dishing it out. It's crazy the things we do to ourselves and each other all in the name of "love". Regardless of that, my hat goes out to anyone who can be honest. You may look back now and think your thought process was wacked, but at least you were expressing what you were feeling, and there is honor in the honesty of doing that. Not a lot of people can.

Life is a series of experiences based on choices.

My blog is really just a lot of nonsense. But we do normally have fun there. It's invite only as of lately because some people are douches and one bad apple can spoil the bunch, but feel free to stop by and say hi

Bill From Gainesville said...

Denis --Its amazing how looking back on things you know what you should have done differently or how in the overall scheme of things whatever that was so horrible really was not that horrible, etc. and yet when stuff happens going forward you intellectualize that but still let it get to you.
Cher --- Thanks and also THANKS for the invite.

compulsively yours...for now said...

Yeah, divorce sucks. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with men, it never really feels good when it is time to say goodbye.

Just me being depressed, tomorrow I will worship men - once again.

Bill From Gainesville said...

CYFN -- I still have this Naive belief that somewhere is a woman-- and then I meet her and I never have to say goodbye. That was my plan with the first wife, and just because it didnt work out that way, I still have the same plan and hopes.

PhoenixHearse said...

Several months ago I found some old journals of mine...from when I was 15-16. Reading them was just embarrasing. It's crazy the things you found so important when you really don't have much to worry about.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Phoenix - its like that book says "don't sweat the small stuff" "and its all small stuff"

compulsively yours...for now said...

Bill, your naive belief is better than my paranoid belief that all men are jackasses out to get me. You probably sleep better at night than I do.

Bill From Gainesville said...

CYFN- I sleep well some nights and I sleep poorly others. Here is what I know though. over time it gets better. after awhile the pain subsides. I also know that you are awesome and I only know that because I read your comments and your blog. I do not doubt that you are also a headcase because I know you are a woman. I dont mean that badly just that all of life is a challenge ...and beautiful women, from my experience bring both Joy and pain, sunshine and rain... wait, I am quoting a song but it is a true song

compulsively yours...for now said...

Oh boy you have no idea. I am indeed a head case. So, funny....

I am okay with being a head case though, It is generally accepted for woman to be head cases. I like being a woman, it has many, many, perks. You should try it one night. I will help you, we could put some hot little number on ya and slap some makeup on your manly face. Take you out and go dancing with the ladies. It is so much easier to get a free drink when you are a woman (having nice "ass"ets also helps) even if you are a head case.

And dancing could help you work off those extra pounds you were so concerned about. Hey, sounds tempting does it not?