Thursday, September 25, 2008

a way not to wake up in the morning

You know a bad way to wake up in the morning? When your Ex-Wife calls you and gives you a bunch of shit about stuff that is not any of her business--- thats a bad way to wake up in the morning? And then she says one thing that just GNAWS at you and gets your blood pressure going.... Damn I need to take my medicine ... I am in a PISSED off mood and the day is just starting and thats my fault -- I can't control her giving me stupid shit, but I can control my reaction to it, except I cant -- not right now, I am in DEFAULT pissed off mode right now and that is no way to wake up in the morning. UGHHHH!!


quin browne said...

this is when caller id is helpful...

or an answering machine where you can monitor calls...

trust me.

Bill From Gainesville said...

I knew it was her when she called cause I do have I/D, I just didnt know her agenda --- Now some 9 hours later, I can see it really was more my stupidity then anything she said. I truly got woken up and pissed off first thing in the morning, but in hindsight it was my fault for letting that stuff get to me. I honestly believe if I hadnt just woken up it would have went in one ear and out the other, but I must have had some kind of ear wax in the ear it was supposed to go out cause it just stuck.... later on in the morning I grew some perspective on the situation and all is well. I even apologized to her about it as again it caught me more off guard then really phased me. .....

PhoenixHearse said...

Holy crap I feel your pain! I came into work on Friday and had an email from the ex-husband...which spun off into other emails, and phone calls, until I was crying on the phone at him while I was at work.

The margaritas that night only slightly dulled the pain.