Friday, October 29, 2010

Liz Murray, A book review, and general appreciation.

Finished reading " Breaking Night" by Liz Murray, with tears running down my cheek. - I just Couldn't help it, that woman is inspirational, and her life story is incredible.I say that, realizing I am giving up my masculinity to a degree by admitting this,..... I don't care.
This book moved me, and it makes you contemplate lots of stuff.
For someone to be homeless at fifteen years old, and a Harvard Graduate at twenty nine, well, that's just three standard Deviations on a bell curve right there, hell, it may be four standard Deviations.
You can be born into a rich, loving family, have all kinds of support in the form of love and guidance from your parents, have access to the best tutors, and the best prep schools etc, and still, Harvard may reject you.
In the game of "Getting into Harvard" some of the best of the best, get rejected, and they are playing on a level field. Liz Murray's field was a boulder ass, gravel strewn, up hill Mountain of a thing.
The field she dealt with had all types of venomous snakes, poison Ivy, empty syringes and weeds all over that thing. ----Life wasn't fair to Liz Murray from the beginning, but Liz Murray kicked some ass anyways.
Honestly, she is a great human being. She made something of herself and did it with out becoming bitter towards her parents. She loves them, even though they clearly and obviously failed her miserably. This, in and of itself is quite awesome.
Her ability to accept responsibility for herself is like being able to figure out addition and subtraction, but then suddenly comprehending calculus. Nothing in her life trained her to take that type of responsibility, except for her inner soul. and most inner souls just don't get calculus.
She took responsibility for her life even though, by all rights, she should have failed.
Quick Summary.... Life will throw a sledge hammer on your head.
Duck the sledgehammers that are flying at your head, see if you can eventually grab a hold of the wooden part of that hammer, and re-direct it to the point that you end up giving speeches with the Dalai Lama, Bill Clinton and other high achievers.-- Have a movie made about your life, reconcile your family, and make the world your oyster. Never quit being yourself and always send out the love vibes. .
For all that is good in the world, buy this book, read it, then buy another one to send to someone you love.
Signed, -----A guy who will buy multiple copies of that thing so I can not only send it to people I love, but also people I just like allot.


Thank you Liz Murray, You inspire me.


Love, Bill


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. It's been my highest hope that Breaking Night will change lives and if it has done so, even in some small way, for you, that makes me so happy.

Warm Wishes,
Liz Murray

Bill From Gainesville said...

Nice ... Either Liz Murray just read my thoughts on her book and told me thank you, which makes my heart warm, or one of the other 6 billion people on earth is just messing with my head a little bit, and if thats the case, thats kind of funny. Its a Win Win situation either way!