Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ruptured stomach

So I made a friend the other week. He was a musician, and after his set we talked some shit for about 45 minutes or so. Told him I would come back the next Sunday. Dude had died the tuesday after we first met. Just weird - Still have his business card. He evidently ruptured his stomach and before going to the doctor he basically bled out internally.


Native Minnow said...

So what you're saying is, I probably don't want to meet you in person. Just kidding. That sucks. I imagine that's a pretty crappy way to go too.

Bill From Gainesville said...

Minnow, it totally struck me that it is possible the last meaningful conversation that dude ever had was with me... Not to say it was all meaningful but we talked alot about life. Our failures and our hopes and stuff and then a few days later he basically died. not that he might not have had any kind of conversation about real stuff in between but I do know I only talk about real shit in life on rare ocassions...

your psycho ex-girlfriend said...

that is so sad :(