Sunday, May 17, 2009

Baseball and Dali

- Took my kids to the Dali museum and then the Rays/ Indians game yesterday.

My son was not into the art much. He only got yelled at by the security guards once, although it was two seperate security guards. I figure since they were both reacting to the same thing, I am counting that as one incident. My daughter and I were facing the wall Looking at the painting and my son was behind me doing gymnastics over the railing thing.
Baseball was all about 5 dollar cokes and 7 dollar buckets of popcorn. My son was upset that a stranger sat next to him, and wanted to sit in the middle, with me on one side and his sister on the other. I know that is a recipe for disaster so it was vetoed, so then he decided he wanted to leave - it was the first inning. We stayed till the last out though. Rays Won 4 to 2


your psycho ex-girlfriend said...

gymnastics in public places=pure genius

i know that for me nothing makes my day more better then a pole to swing around on...cause pole swinging is nuttin but goodness for this psycho...just sayin

Bill From Gainesville said...

My son is like Einstein then