Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back stories

When I am in a populated public place like I was yesterday at Tropicana field, I often think about the back stories of the other people around me. Everyone comes from somewhere, everyone has stuff going on in their lives. We were there to watch a baseball game, but because of the nature of the game and the pace, its a time where you can talk and think about other stuff as well.
My Son loved the giant video screen that showed the players as avatars in the game MLB12. He told me multiple times how he wants that game for his Wii. Kid has a birthday soon and he will probably get it.
My daughter had her friend with her and they talked about things 14 year old girls talk about.
The Red Sox fan sitting next to me had driven from Boston along with her Dad the day before, not so much because of the game, but because she was moving here, and the Sox just happened to be in town.
She chose to move here because she was going through a divorce and wanted a fresh start on life. She sees herself going to the beach and living in the sun. Her Dad will be flying back this week.
There were 30 something thousand other people at the game yesterday, they all have stuff going on in their life. I wonder what their stories are, I wonder how many of them are struggling, how many are on top of their stuff, how many are going down the wrong paths because their circumstances to that point have led them that way. How many were happy, how many were sad.

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